Nezkousel a priznam se, ze se toho trochu i bojim. Je to dost velka firma a z toho co jsem tam tak pochytil tak ten pristup je dost chladny a odtazity. Praci mi dali protoze jsem je zaujal, zrovna nekoho potrebovali a mam nejakou praxi. Bohuzel tohle neznamena ze jsem nenahraditelny - nerad bych zacal pracovat s nalepkou "NESCHOPNY". Proto se snazim ze vsech sil to zaridit nejak sam (pomoc z tohoto fora je odpustitelny bonus
jinak info pro budouci generace - az dostanete tento mail:
I look forward to rent out a bedrooms in my home at <adresa>. The whole apartment has just been renovated
and refurnished. The rent includes heating , hot and cold water,
electricity, water heater, and each room with its own bathroom.
kitchen, Living room and balcony are shared, you can also have your
own visitors, the apartment is located in Central City, public
transport and supermarket are just in a stone throw distance . Each of
the room in the flat cost 400 euro which include all other charges
such as electricity,water supply, cost of gas , internet etc . Caution
fee is 550 euro which is refundable when you are moving out of the
flat. Contact me for more information if you are interested.
-> okamzite mazat a hlasit. Je to proflaknuta automaticka odpoved a mensi pasticka na hledajici jak vylakat par eur. Na netu uz pred nim varuji. Nejcasteji operuje na WG-Gesucht.